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Relationships. Intimacy. Gender


Challenges in Relationship often come from the unique personal puzzle piece that  are in relation with a partner and is often revealing more than we are understanding, which results in conflict and not understanding the perspective of the other one.  


If your desire is  to enrich and remove obstacles to your present intimacy enjoyment & fulfilling relationship to create your satisfied future, book to upgrade your life! You will leave the session with hope and practical exercises for life improvement.


Rae serves as a mentor coach, mapping out the path to your goals, while encouraging self-discovery in personal growth & relationships by fostering a deeper understanding within oneself to create a fulfilling happy life. 


The sessions are enriched with Rae's sixth sense and unique blend of scientific knowledge and understanding of human sexuality and relationships. This multidisciplinary expertise allows Rae to offer a holistic coaching experience that addresses the complexities of clients' lives.


Coaching provides enrichment and removing obstacles to your present enjoyment & fulfilling relationships, to create your satisfied future by being more authentic and nurturing to your deeper self.


This is different than therapy, which entails psychological work to diagnose and address pathology that stims from your past- Yeah- NOT that!


​You get to set the agenda -- any facet of in which you seek improvement, enhancement or expansion, or if you feel stuck, confused and unsure, unsupported or generally lost. If these challenges resonate with you, consider reaching out for coaching.


 Most Common Ways that Imbalance Show up in your life

*Relationship Challenges Identity crisis

*Desire to explore sexuality *Body image or dysphoria issues

*Desire difficulties *Physical, Mental or Emotional blocks to intimacy


The Benefits Gained Include

*Resolve relationship conflicts  *Exploring Yourself Authentically

Finding your CenterFeeling balance within yourself

*Deeper Self-Connection leads to better external relationships

*Allowing & Trusting yourself to look after your best interests

*Improve Social dating skills *Resolve Internal conflicts 

*Healing from Trauma *Learning Self-regulation and Co-regulation

*Giving yourself permission to have Enhanced Pleasure in Life

*Learn the Sacred Sexuality within each of us

Integrative Mind-Body Therapies (IMBT)

I am also part of a special team that utilizes the Expanded Triadic Model (ETM) modality provides client centered care for anyone who struggles to live in full expression of their sensual self. ​


If you Qualify; WORK with a Whole TEAM led by Dr. Susan Kaye, who instituted Integrative Mind-Body Therapies (IMBT) in order to establish a therapeutic center that offers harmonious solutions to the shame, fear, or guilt in relation to their mind-body disconnect.​  

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