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 Harmonize with Parts Work

Align with your Heart Song Mission 


 UpLOVE  & UpLevel  

Multi-Dimensional SelfYou are an intricate layered complex being.

Your personal bodied self is comprised of many parts that are all competing for the chief seat at the head of your proverbial table. 


Then add your Spirit self which is comprised of a higher dimensional-self upstream.

When you can alchemize, harmonize and boost all of these parts, YOU can Bloom and become the Greatest Platform of Self, able to create and manifest anything in alignment with your high vibratory frequency.

Part of our mission here on Earth as humans is Polarity Balance and the Union of  Light & Shadow. 


Clear, Heal, Grow & Expand 

Quantum Techniques  

assists individuals in alchemizing their light & shadow aspects


Reclaiming full Power in the alignment of True Essence


Powerful-cutting-edge spiritual work done with the individual consciousness and their higher selfs, that compose the soul stream and the multi-dimensional realms to support the 3D human StarSeed to grow into a 5D StarTree & Beyond.   

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Wholeness of the Human Being

Your personal internal self is comprised of many parts that are all competing for the chief seat at your attention table.  This includes parts such as the inner child(s)(yes, there can be more than one!), the Upper Ego (separatist & survival),  Lower Ego-(rebel adolescent) and the Divine or Wounded Adult. 

The Ancestry component, both Earth and Cosmic, along with soul family are all collective groups that can have an effect of Your energy stream, with what flows toward you or away from you. 


We as a human collective need to have more consideration of coming into the heart center for truest alignment to self, where the real power and answers are deep inside.  

Your spiritual self is comprised of a layered higher dimensional-self upstream that can work as a counsel and pillar energetic foundational support system. You also have spiritual crew (guardian angels and other functions) that can assist you with tasks.

When you alchemize, harmonize and boost all of these parts, YOU can bloom and become your greatest platform of self, then able to create and manifest anything in alignment with your high vibratory frequency.

New Earth Abundance!  

My Jacobs Ladder quantum harmonization technique: conferences with each of your dimensional selves that sit at your counsel table around embodying your heart-song-mission highest authentic-soul-signature.


Part of our mission here on Earth as humans is the balance and polarity of union of the light and shadow; so in our session we build our spirit team appropriately for this dualistic merging world process. We need a team that can work together to bring their strengths & wisdoms from all dimensions.  

🤍Clear, Heal, Grow & Expand into Love 🤍

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