Have Flourishing Authority over your Life

🤍Clearing & Alignment
Reprogram the Biological Computer that is You
Sessions include All- in-One Scan & Align
Facilitate connecting & communication with Higher Self
Balancing Systems and Spirt Hierarchy
Removing Shadow Interference
Clearing Illusions and inherited identities to become a authentic magnet to your true abundance
Matrix Disruptor- Removing False grid systems
Light QUOTIENT- Increase your light as we remove layers of shadow spiderwebs from multiple lifetimes
Earth Gridding- Crystal Grid and clear your property; Providing protections and remove negative energies
Ancestral - clearing and healing both Earth & Cosmic realm
Working with the Violet and Gold Rays
Rae specializes in guiding heart-aligned healers and visionary leaders using a unique blend of Quantum techniques, which assists individuals in alchemizing their light and shadow aspects, thereby reclaiming their full power with the alignment of their true essence.
TEACHING Spiritual & Energetic HYGIENE while preforming it on client. Connecting from the level our higher selves, angels and spiritual crew, then preforming a general clearing out of everything that no longer serves you, so that you can officiate a higher light quotient in your body and multi-dimensional stream.
Sessions give you a 'fresh start feeling' to challenges with a new perspective. Come receive expert personalized care for you soul's next growth path. With 17 years Spiritual Response Therapy experience combined with my unique gifts of seeing & understanding what the root cause of the challenge, and then clearing a path to release soul-mind programs & past life energies to allow You to move into joy, harmony and prosperity.